Welcome to PNW Tech Life. I want to tell you a bit about how I got here and what you can expect from this site.
First, the name of the site. PNW is because I am from the Pacific Northwest. Some of the things on this site are going to be PNW based. I love the Pacific Northwest and I wanted to add a touch of that to this site. As time goes on, I may add some things that are very specific to the northwest and may not be applicable to people outside of this general region. Keep in mind, this is not my primary focus of this site, but the Pacific Northwest is and always will have a special place in my heart and I want to share that with the world.
Next, tech. I’m a computer geek by trade. I’ve always been fascinated by technology and I want to help you use that technology to your best advantage. That means figuring out what works and what doesn’t. A concept around this that I’m in love with is called Digital Minimalism. Which doesn’t mean being a technology luddite, but it does mean making technology work for you rather than you working for the technology. I’ve learned a lot about this concept and I’ve implemented quite a few functions of it into my every day life. I got tired of being a slave to technology. Now it works for me rather than the other way around!
Finally life. This is about tactics that you can use to improve your life. Mostly through the use of decluttering, cleaning, and organization. I found that the environment that we live in has a major effect on your mental wellbeing, your stress, and your anxiety levels. If you can control the environment, then you have a leg up on being able to control your stress and anxiety.
While you can’t control the weather or whether or not you toddler wakes up screaming at 3am, you can control the look and feel of the environment around you. If you live in an environment that stresses you out visually, then you are going to be stressed out mentally. I learned a lot about this over the last few years and I want to share that with you.
Keep in mind, nothing I say is a guaranteed silver bullet to fixing stress and anxiety. Also, if you have the notion that this site is going to lead you to a magazine perfect house, you should probably reset your expectations. My house is lived in. I have kids and dogs. They mess things up. That picture perfect house is a complete fantasy and anyone who tries to tell you differently is lying to you.
But I can help you learn how to control certain aspects of the environment around you and teach you how to maintain your home without feeling like you are completely drowning.
So sit back, relax, learn, and lets make your house a home you want to be in!